BIYAL BIYAL Australian National Anthem - updated
How did this translation come about? An Aboriginal singer-songwriter acquaintance sent an email inviting Your Amateur Researcher (YAR) to...
BIYAL BIYAL Australian National Anthem - updated
BIYAL BIYAL Words: damara or mara: 'hand'
Old Mans Valley
BIYAL BIYAL Australian National Anthem
TASMANIA Words: 'star' shine
BIYAL BIYAL Words: 'butterfly'
Millers Point: yilgan maladul
BIYAL BIYAL: Detective mysteries
Distant uncle
Guns, sticks and Mrs Bennelong
Rising, falling, and holding up
Sydney clan boundaries: Cadigal and Wangal
Five verbal suffixes
BIYAL BIYAL Words: koala
Zoo tour name
What does yela mean?
Warrang or Warrane — or ngurang?
Morooberra, the person, and Maroubra, the place
Sirius Cove (or Mosman Bay)
BIYAL BIYAL Words: ringing